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How to Keep Going when you have Lost your Motivation!

We all suffer from times when we lose motivation. We have a mind script playing over in our head how we should complete a task and before you know it, you begin to type into google things like “how can I motivate myself”. This week I thought I would address this.

Losing motivation happens to all of us at some point. Whether it be through a break-up, losing a job, or halting your progress on a task. Everyone has been there and we have all felt the painful despair that can come with it. How do you get back that lost motivation?

Take time to figure out why you lost motivation and what makes you push through. With a little determination and perseverance, you will become better than ever before. It is important that you don’t give up! Success doesn’t come easy and let’s help you stay on track!

What motivates us to keep going?

Motivation is the number one advantage, by far. Without it, we could not have gotten where we are today. You need the motivation to push through the darkness, to get through a tough period, to go on an adventure or to just simply kick back and relax.

Once you know what fuels your motivation, you’ll have less of a hard time falling asleep at night or staying motivated as you work towards your goals. The two main types of motivators are classified as external and Internal.

Who said keep going?

Everyone keeps going when they have lost their motivation. The road is ever long and sometimes you might think that the only way out is to give up, but then you realize that there is another road that lies ahead of you which is full of possibilities.

You just have to know that it is there. When I haven’t reached my destination, I look around and realize there are many roads yet to walk. Sometimes it suffices to place things into perspective, such as seeing the positives and look for things to be grateful for.

How do you motivate yourself to keep working?

Life can be tough. Many of us never feel that we can keep going. We start to feel cynicism about life and end up as a victim to our circumstances. Being burned out and cynical about life can be very disheartening. The “burnout syndrome” (sometimes called the “Motivational Breakdown”) is the experience many of us have when we no longer feel motivated to work as hard or as long as we used to. There is a cure for this syndrome – the only problem is that it takes practice to get into the right mindset of motivation.

Here are some ways I’ve found that help me stay motivated when times get hard. Start practicing them to find inspiration every day.

When you come to the edge just believe all is going to be alright

I lost my motivation to work this year… several times. I can’t count the number of times I almost gave up and said “It’s too hard, I can’t do this”. Every few months I would say it was just not going to happen. It was very hard to add something meaningful to my list.

I could have given up, instead, I thought What a difference a little motivation makes. When you’re driven to achieve success, the impossible doesn’t seem so challenging and setbacks don’t bring you down for long. Motivation is like gasoline in the tank – it keeps you going despite obstacles or discouragement. Getting started again is the hardest part, but it gets easier with time.

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