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Why Is Transcendental Meditation so Expensive?

There are plenty of different types of meditations out there that you might not be familiar with all of them. One of those different forms of meditation is transcendental meditation, which is usually a paid service for a teacher, a guru, or a course. Why is transcendental meditation so expensive?

The main reason why transcendental meditation is expensive is that there is a limited number of professionals in this area and used to be taught only to the rich and powerful people of society. The original guru of this movement thought that teaching it to those on top would be able to lead to a bigger change in society. 

Most people believe that there is not a really good reason why transcendental meditation is expensive but goes down to the law of demand and supply in our society. Also, used to be passed from a Master to a student that was an elite member.

How much is a transcendental meditation course?

Like many forms of meditation, transcendental meditation is to be learned from an experienced practitioner with proven expertise. These teachers or gurus will initiate you in the practice and will mentor throughout so you can learn how to do it properly.

Like other forms of meditation, you are not actually paying for transcendental meditation because they would tell you that you are “donating” to learn more about it.

Transcendental meditation can go as high as $2,500 just to learn about it. It started from around $35 but its popularity (thanks to the Beatles and to many other celebrities) actually allowed the people behind the movement to raise the prices to more than two grand. That’s a considerable price for a course on meditation and is up to to to decide whether is something you would like to experience . It is down to the guru’s expertise, committed journey time, as well as perceived or experienced value. The health benefits experienced are generally deemed extraordinary and worth it. It is generally well accepted in the context that health and wellbeing (physical and mental) are priceless. Many invest proactively in healthy lifestyles to promote their health and avoid illnesses and diseases.

Since the death of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the transcendental meditation movement, those who inherited his leadership position were able to actually bring the price down by about a thousand bucks. With time, increased popularity, and more offers available in the World the prices are likely to become more accessible to the public.

Why is transcendental meditation expensive?

Why Is Transcendental Meditation so Expensive?

What makes transcendental meditation so special that you have to pay thousands of dollars to learn it? The fact is, in our society, people are free to charge whatever price they want and as long as there is a market willing to pay that amount.

The reason why transcendental meditation is expensive has a historic background. The founder of the movement, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, went on to believe that making rich and powerful people buy into the practice of meditation can make the world a better place. After all, the people who are rich and powerful are the most influential in the world. If these people are willing to enact changes within themselves through meditation, they would also be able to help change the world by using their money and influence.

There is no arguing against the fact that transcendental meditation works and having been made exclusive to the rich people explains why it would feel luxurious to those who can afford it.

Can I teach myself transcendental meditation?

Why Is Transcendental Meditation so Expensive?

If the asking price for transcendental meditation is too steep for you, you are in luck because you can still learn this form of meditation without paying a guru to teach you. Yes, you can learn transcendental meditation by yourself. Even the teachers themselves will admit that you can do transcendental meditation on your own because the rules are simple enough for you to learn by yourself.

There are plenty of different online videos and articles on how you can do transcendental meditation. There is still value in learning from a teacher or a guru because you are now actually paying someone to guide you and to have the support of not only a guide but also a community. This becomes even more relevant when you want to bring your transcendental meditation to the next level.

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