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Being a Winner

Winning. Everyone wants to be a winner. But most of us are in our comfort zone wanting to be a winner.

Too scared to walk out of their comfort zone because that is the only place they are winners. In order to win, you have to step out of your comfort zone and take risks. Being a winner is not easy. So many times situations and people will break you down then it will encourage you. It can break you down to your lowest where you will have no choice but to give up but listen. It only becomes easier when you start becoming stronger.

If you are waiting for the ideal moment and time to start winning then sorry to disappoint but it is not happening for the right time is now.
Yes now that you have just woken up, start working. Turn off the TV, cancel the night out, give social media a break, and step into the real world.

It is easy to dream about being a winner but the journey is harder.
Let me tell you, you will cry. Wanting to give up being that journey is the most painful journey ever yet the best reward awaits you.
Being a winner means you are going to lose a lot of people along the way because it becomes a competition.

You will meet people and situations that will either pull you or push you forward.
It is a race about hundreds and millions of people all wanting to win so buckle up because it will be a wild ride. Take risks, stay focused, and never take no for an answer. With hard work and dedication, you will be able to reach your goals.

is not going to be easy Take risks, be bold, and have faith. You have the ability to succeed if you stay focused and keep pushing forward. In the end, it will be worth it. 
What do you want to win? Ask yourself that question.
Get up now and start working, studying, to become a better version of yourself because that is the only way to win.

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